Ben 10 (Reboot) new movie (2021) Alien X Tiction Full HD Movie in Tamil


Watch online or Download Ben 10 (Reboot) new movie (2021) Alien X Tiction Full HD Movie in Tamil.

Movie Info:

Name: Ben 10 Alien X-Tinction

Release Year: 2021

Run Time: 45min

Network: Cartoon Network

Language: Tamil

Quality: 720p

Encoded by: Toon Tamil India

Story Line :

The special opens with Ben and Grandpa Max sitting at a campsite, roasting marshmallows. Max teaches Ben how to make a perfect s’more, while Ben is miserable. We learn they are not from our typical dimension, and that in this dimension, Gwen decided to attend summer school instead of accompanying them on their road trip. All of a sudden, a portal opens behind them and a being, who we later learn is called Alien X, arrives and attacks them, prompting Ben to transform into Cannonbolt. Alien X easily overpowers both Cannonbolt and Max; he takes Ben’s Omnitrix from him and fuses it to his chest. After he leaves, an alternate Max Tennyson, Maximilian, arrives and repairs Ben and Max’s damages. Ben, confused and angry, wants his Omnitrix back, but Maximilian tells him that, unfortunately, it’s gone forever. Ben hugs Max and Maximilian leaves this dimension.

Ben 10 (Reboot) new movie (2021) Alien X Tiction Full HD Movie in Tamil.

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